Shropshire Star

Watch a fire service give an explosive lesson on how not to cook turkey

Turns out deep frying is not always the answer.

(Northport Fire Rescue/Facebook)

If there’s two things Americans love, it’s Thanksgiving and frying things – and this is a cautionary tale regarding both.

This year November 23 marked the fourth Thursday of November and hence Thanksgiving Day, but a local fire station had an explosive warning for those readying their bellies for their celebratory feasts – don’t deep fry your turkey.

In a Facebook Live shot before the example turkey-frying, a spokesman for Northport Fire Rescue said the pot of oil was over filled and the turkey had not thawed properly from frozen, causing the hot and cold substances to react violently when they met. They suggested people looking to fry their birds should leave it to the professionals.

“It might save you a hospital visit,” they said…

… Too right.

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