Shropshire Star

A fierce debate is raging over which is the best part of the chicken wing

It’s the biggest food dispute since pineapple on pizza.

Chicken wings with blue cheese dip

Which are better: flats or drums?

If you’ve ever eaten chicken wings it’s a question you will no doubt have pondered – the fiddly but delicious flat, or the convenient mini drumstick that is the drum?

The two parts of a chicken wings
Chicken wings are commonly divided into two parts – the drum (left) and the flat (right) (Saddako/Getty)

Well, the debate is well and truly raging on social media, and the battle lines have been drawn.

Lining up on one side: Team Drum.

But on the other side, coming out swinging, it’s Team Flat.

Some have attempted to answer the question with polling.

A poll is of course just a snapshot of how the public is feeling at a particular point in time and people’s opinions can change.

For some the choice depends on circumstances.

For others, it’s a travesty even to try and pick one over the other.

Maybe ultimately you’re either a wing person or you aren’t.

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