11 options for a fifth horseman of the apocalypse
‘I’m actually a plague-less horseman, but I do ride my horse in the left lane, going very slow.’

In the Bible the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are the harbingers of Doomsday, a quartet usually seen as symbolising war, famine, pestilence and death.
What if there were a fifth horsemen though?
Reddit user TeddyBearToons asked what plague or hardship the fifth horsemen would bring to the world – and these 11 of the best answers are both entertaining and worrisome in equal measure.
2. From user teke367
“I’m actually a ‘plague-less’ horseman, but I do ride my horse in the left lane, going very slow.”
4. From user bad_luck_dragon
“Your left sock is always moist.”
6. From user TopazCarbuncle
“Glitter. Just… so much glitter.”
8. From user AudibleNod
“That uneasy feeling you’re being watched all the time.”
10. From user borivalistation