Shropshire Star

Jaykae, O2 Institute, Birmingham - review with pictures

Birmingham’s favourite grime general Jaykae rolled up to the city's O2 Institute last night to put the scene on notice.

Jaykae. Pictures by: James Stride

Performing as part of his latest sold out tour, the Brummie artist brought a whole new electrifying vibe to a hometown crowd, one that won’t be topped any time soon either - apart from maybe Dapz OTM’s upcoming gig, but we’ll see, there’s tough competition between the two local friends and musical comrades.

With a line-up of warm-up acts and special guests including the likes of Mike Skinner, South London’s finest Ghetts, Dapz OTM, Remtrex, Big Zuu and Birmingham’s own Yatez, It was a night not to be missed.

An artist with an extensive back catalogue of hits, Jaykae kept his hometown crowd on a high all night with one fast-paced, enthusiasm-filled track after another.

Jaykae. Pictures by: James Stride

His set included the likes of instant classic Moscow, his duet with another of Birmingham’s greats Dapz OTM and their stellar track Froggy, as well as performances alongside Mike Skinner and Remtrex.

Seriously, look at those names - it really was an incredible evening for the Midlands music scene.

With so many big name out-of-towners in attendance it demonstrated how the rest of the UK is finally taking note of the Midlands music scene.

For good reason too, the crowd in attendance were on their best, most lively behaviour, while sharing nothing but positive vibes throughout the venue.

Jaykae. Pictures by: James Stride

It’s almost too hard to describe the importance of an artist like Jaykae. To what is now a super diverse and talented scene, he is someone who truly does embody the passion and soul that is the Birmingham music scene.

He is a loud, obtrusive, in-your-face Brummie who is so unapologetic that it becomes instantly admirable. His attitude to life and music is honest and in your face.

If you ever have the opportunity to see Jaykae perform live, especially in his hometown, you absolutely must. The evening you’ll experience will set the standard for future gigs and will be one to be remembered for years to come.

Jaykae. Pictures by: James Stride

There aren’t many more words to describe the evening except to say well done and congratulations to one of Birmingham’s own, his team supporting him and the hard-working people at the O2 Institute.

Everyone was at the top of their game last night creating an environment filled with incredible music and great vibes.

Review by James Stride