Wanted: A female Dave Hill for all-woman Slade tribute band

The world's only female Slade tribute band is in dire need of a lady Dave Hill.


Slady has been collecting accolades and fans since forming in 2019 but guitarist 'Davina' has left to pursue career with another band.

The tribute band are so desperate for a new female Dave Hill they have even agreed the new lead guitarist can forgo the ionic fringe which makes the Slade star instantly recognisable.

Founder of Slady, 'Gobby Holder', told the Express and Star: "The successful candidate will need to play lead guitar, commit to the band because it is like a second job, and have a great sense of humour.

"However, if it would be a deal breaker then they do not have to have Dave Hill's fringe."

Beyond the fringe: The new Davina does not have to sport a fringe like Dave Hill, pictured here in Slade's glory days

However, unlike the real Slade whose drummer Don Powell was sacked by email by Dave Hill after over 50 years as bandmates, the departure of Davina was not acrimonious.

Gobby said: "Our Davina is like family, but being in Slady is like a second job and she wanted to have more time with her own band, which is totally understandable."

The 30-year-old from Wales founded Slady after seeing Dave Hill perform at a festival in 2019.

She said: "I loved his act and had a kind of an Alan Partridge moment, I thought why not put together an all-female Slade?

Slady before the split - Donna, Jem, Gobby and Davina

"I phoned my friend Jem and asked her if she'd give it a go, but I did not think it would be any more than playing Cum on Feel the Noize down the pub. But after our first gig and social media, the demand for us was insane.

"There is so much love for Slade it is unbelievable and before the pandemic we were really lifting off, but in 2020 we had to cancel a lot of shows and last year we were performing those, so in 2022 we really want to kick on and take it to the next level."

Slady performed at the Slade Convention in Wolverhampton and were given the seal of approval by Don Powell, and Gobby met Noddy Holder at an advertising photoshoot.

She said: "Oh I met my hero and he was lovely. He said he had been following our progress and loved the idea of a female Slade. He said when we play a gig near his house he would come along and see us.

"I've met Dave a few times too and he is a great character who has also been supportive, I think he has a daughter - perhaps we should ask her!"

Slady's wanted poster for a new Davina

Gobby, whose favourite Slade song is Nobody's Fool, said the position would be paid, and expenses covered for rehearsals. They play a few gigs a month and will also embark on tours.

For Slade fans it could be the closest they get to seeing the real thing after reports the iconic Black Country glam rockers original line-up would reform for Glastonbury was scotched by Noddy Holder.

Gobby said: "I knew they would never get back together, and then Noddy confirmed it, so come and see us, we are the female Slade, not a tribute act."

Slady's 'Davina Hill Wanted' post was shared on Facebook by Slade fan Jill Humphries who said: "The best job advert I have ever seen on Facebook. If I know anyone who would fit the bill I would be so proud."

The advert said: "Female Lead Guitarist wanted for all female Slade tribute band, SLADY! Are you the female Dave Hill? Can you play lead guitar? Do you wanna play big shows and have a blast with Gobby, Jem and Donna?

"Then get in touch, we can't wait to see ya! Cum On Feel The Noize with us lot as we take over 2022! WE NEED YOU!!"

If you have what it takes to be Davina Hill find Slady on Facebook.