Shropshire Star

Born Free star Virginia McKenna to open library in Ellesmere

She is the star who helped bring some of Britain’s most famous films to a generation of cinema-goers.

Virginia McKenna in Born Free

And now, at the age of 85, Virginia McKenna has taken on a new task – to officially open a new library in a Shropshire town.

A member of the Friends’ group at Ellesmere Library contacted the Born Free star in hope that she would come.

As well as one of Britain’s most famous actresses, the star is also an author and wildlife campaigner who remains active.

Ms McKenna accepted the invitation to perform the opening ceremony at the refurbished Meres Day Centre on June 27.

Work began recently to convert part of the ground floor of the centre to accommodate the library so that it can be relocated from its current home in nearby Fullwood House. The new community facility will include provision for day care visitors and young people with learning difficulties, together with a cafe. It will be operated by the Shrewsbury-based social care charity Bethphage, which is taking over the management of the library from Shropshire Council.

Friends’ secretary Anne Wignall said: “We are delighted that Virginia McKenna has agreed to open the new library. Apart from her dedication to wildlife and conservation, and her outstanding work on stage and screen, she has also written a number of books, speaks at literary festivals, and is a keen supporter of libraries.

“I have worked with her in London as I am a trustee of her charity and new she loved her literature.”

After the opening ceremony, Virginia will attend an evening event, organised by the Friends’ group, at the Boathouse restaurant in Ellesmere, where she will speak of her career and work.

She will also sign copies of her autobiography, The Life in My Years, which charts her acting career over more than 60 years and her crusading work for animal welfare and conservation through the Born Free Foundation.

And the next day she will speak to local schoolchildren at an event hosted by Ellesmere College.

The actress, who is a patron of Shropshire Cat Rescue, said: “As I am very old, I am sometimes asked how long I will go on and I tell them until I can’t any more. When you have a passion, you care.” you have lived 30 years and more of your life following a cause, you don’t give up. I know the work will never end.”

Virginia is also known for her starring roles in many other box office hits, including Carve her Name with Pride, Ring of Bright Water, An Elephant Called Slowly and A Town Like Alice.

She has also appeared in numerous stage productions, including the West End musicals A Little Night Music and the King and I, opposite Yul Brynner.

Tickets for ‘An Evening with Virginia McKenna’ on June 27 at the Boathouse are available by calling Sue Ardill on 01691 624331, Paul Goulbourne on 01691 623858, or be emailing

They cost £20 to include a two-course supper.