Shropshire Star

Festival to help raise money for Montgomery Canal

A charity concert and music festival will be held to help restore the latest stretch of the Montgomery Canal on the Shropshire border with Mid Wales.

The Shropshire Boatmen will be among the attractions

Music for the Monty will raise money for the project to make the stretch of the canal from Crickheath towards Welshpool navigable.

The two day festival takes place in Welshpool during the town's Transport Festival on June 23 and 24.

More than a dozen musicians and bands have volunteered to busk at sites around Welshpool to raise funds for the Restore the Montgomery Canal appeal.

The evening concert at Welshpool Town Hall features Welshpool and Shropshire bands, One Crow Sorrow, I am Sam Acoustic and the Shropshire Boatmen.

All proceeds from ticket sales will be going towards the appeal to reconnect the Montgomery Canal between Powys and Shropshire.

The festival is the latest in a number of activities drawing attention to the restoration works on the Montgomery Canal.

David Aylwin of Music for the Monty: “The Montgomery Canal is one of the UK’s most beautiful canals and over the past few years great strides have been made in reopening it to boats. But now we want to help raise awareness – and funds – so that the canal is reopened through to Welshpool and Newtown which will provide a significant tourist boost to the area.”

“We are really pleased to be working with Welshpool Transport Festival to provide music around the town, especially in the Canal Wharf area, which is on the Montgomery Canal.”

Tickets for the evening concert priced at £8 are available from the Tourist Information Centre in Welshpool, Rowanthorn in Oswestry and online at