Shropshire Star

Theatre group to perform classic Thomas Hardy story

A drama group is taking on one of Thomas Hardy's most famous novels for its latest show.

Ioan Utting as Cainy Ball, Dan Lewsey as Joseph Poorgrass, and Tom Humphreys as Gabriel Oak

The Llanymynech Amateur Dramatic Society (LADS) will perform Far from the Madding Crowd, directed by Alison Utting, this month.

It’s a fast-moving telling of the story, accompanied by traditional music of the period, with tunes collected by Hardy himself.

Bathsheba Everdene is young, spirited and beautiful. She is accustomed to being admired. She has already rejected the advances of her loyal friend and shepherd, Gabriel Oak, and of an older, wealthier man who is completely besotted with her.

Rebecca Owen as Bathsheba Everdene, Shaun Higgins as Sergeant Troy

Like the young Queen Victoria, who has just taken the reigns of Empire, Bathsheba intends to run her farm with strength and determination. But then she encounters the dashing Sergeant Troy – and for once, Bathsheba is no longer in control.

Thomas Hardy’s famous novel explores the lives and loves of ordinary people, firmly rooted in the seasonal calendar of rural England.

The LADS are performing at Ellesmere College, KinoKulture independent cinema in Oswestry, and Llanymynech Village Hall, with a number of dates from November 22 to 30.

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