Old Bell Museum taking treasures online
A museum in Montgomery is aiming to encourage people to learn about history by sharing archived pictures while the building remains closed.
The Old Bell Museum in Montgomery has been unable to open its doors this summer. The building, which dates from medieval times, is not able to allow for proper social distancing, so the Montgomery Civic Society, which runs the museum, is bringing the museum to people using social media.
David Thomas, Civic Society Secretary, said: “We're starting a series of posts that use our archive to highlight stories from the history of the town. A new image will be shared each week.”
This week's picture is of the Pound in around 1905. A part of town that's seen many changes, including the laying out of the garden and the demolition of the Bethel Baptist Chapel at the bottom of School Bank, it is iconic in the town.
You can follow The Old Bell Museum on Facebook at fb.me/OldBellMuseum and the town page is at fb.me/montgomerypowys.