Shropshire Star

Drive-through carol services planned for Christmastime

Congregations are thinking out of the box - or rather the church building - when it comes to Christmas this year.

Last updated
Whittington Church

With tough coronavirus regulations ruling out traditional carol services, nativity plays and other religious traditions, new Covid secure ideas are being dreamt up.

Whittington Parish Church has teamed up with the castle across the road to announce two drive-in carol services on December 20.

Families will be able to book a car space in the grounds behind the castle where they will be given service sheets and be able to watch and listen to the service that will be broadcast from a trailer on the site.

The Rector of St John the Baptist Church, Suzan Williams, said the 4pm drive-in would be a family-orientated Christingle service, based on the tradition of a symbolic Christingle - a candle held in an orange. This would be followed by a more traditional service at 6pm.

"Donations will be split between The Children’s society, Whittington Castle and St John’s church," she said.

"We’re trying to do positive things for people to look forward to."

"We would normally expect about 400 people to our Christmas services, particularly the Christingle service. Of course that can not happen this year."

She said members of the congregation, business and groups, had also stepped forward to light up windows in their homes for each day of advent.

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