Shropshire Star

Fairies and elves settle in woodland near Ellesmere with help of community arts group

Members of a community art group in Ellesmere gathered to open a new 'Fairy Trail' in a prominent woodland area.

The Damson Twins made by Mirjana Garland

Community art group Fizzgigs met on Saturday morning in Plantation Wood just outside the town to open the new trail, which features 15 large fairy figures.

The Damson Twins made by Mirjana Garland

The fairy figures have been installed for everyone to find and enjoy, and each large fairy was based on one painted by popular artist Cecily Mary Barker who produced both flower fairy and tree fairy books - popular with children in the 1940s and 50s.

Alongside the 15 large fairies were 44 small ones, all made by members of the community including the town's Rainbows group.

Hazel fairy by Caroline Ford in the new trail

Each fairy represents a tree, flower or plant that can be found in the Plantation. Fairies included The Damson Twins, made by Mirjana Garland, an Elfin Archer created by Tony Lewery, and a Hazel Fairy by Caroline Ford.

An Elfin Archer created by Tony Lewery

Refreshments were served at the trail's opening, including fairy cakes.

Members of Fizzgigs, Ellesmere’s community arts group opened the trail

The fairies will be available for visitors to see in the Plantation until the beginning of September, and leaflets about the trail, including a map and an activity, will be available from Moolah, the library, and special dispensers at the wood's entrances.