Shropshire Star

Comedy’s ‘king and queen’ Ferrell and Poehler celebrated in The House

It is the first time the comedy legends have topped the bill of a movie together.

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The House Will Ferrell Amy Poehler

Will Ferrell and Amy Poehler have been hailed the “king and queen of comedy” by their colleagues in The House.

Elf star Ferrell, 49, and 45-year-old Poehler, who won a Golden Globe for Parks And Recreation, co-star in the film as a couple who start an illegal casino to fund their daughter’s tuition fees.

February 16, 2017— The House (@HouseMovie)

They both found early fame on Saturday Night Live and played rival ice-skaters in Blades Of Glory, but this is the first time they have topped the bill on a movie together.

Director Andrew Jay Cohen said: “King and queen of comedy, I like to call them.

“They are amazing, they’re so generous with each other, they’re so fast – it was a pure joy to watch them together.”

Ryan Simpkins plays their daughter Alex for whom they get involved in the illicit trade for in the comedy.

June 27, 2017— The House (@HouseMovie)

She said: “It was really intense for me getting thrown in between this comedy duo but it was amazing.

“They were some of the funniest people and were really supportive, I definitely learned a lot about improv.”

Co-writer Brendan O’Brien added: “It’s like a dream come true for a comedy writer because they are two of the funniest people in the world.

“They genuinely got a kick out of each other but it kind of makes sense, it’s kind of hard not to get a kick out of Will and it’s kind of hard not to get a kick out of Amy.”

June 27, 2017— The House (@HouseMovie)

Cohen says there is a serious aspect to the film and he tried to highlight the perils of a society where tuition fees are so exorbitant.

O’Brien added: “We live in a time right now where college is so expensive, where families are literally going bankrupt and taking out loans that they are paying for the rest of their life.”

:: The House is released in the UK on June 30.

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