Shropshire Star

Matt Baker hopes to take Countryfile Live around the UK

He would like fans of the show around the country to experience the event.

Matt Baker with his fellow Countryfile presenters

Countryfile host Matt Baker has said he hopes to take the show’s live event around the UK.

The TV star is currently meeting fans of the programme at Countryfile Live at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire, which features live arena shows, hands-on activities and animal displays, and said he hopes to give other viewers around the country the same experience.

BBC Countryfile Live
BBC Countryfile presenters Adam Henson, John Craven, Charlotte Smith, Tom Heap, Anita Rani, Matt Baker and Ellie Harrison (Justin Goff/

“Blenheim is a beautiful place but there are other areas we could take it to, to give our viewers further afield (the experience).

“I would like to do it around the UK. We could have a north and south one. This is all about reaching out to our audience.

“We could do it at the same time or maybe take it on the road.”

BBC Countryfile Live
Matt Baker and Adam Henson (Joe Giddens/PA)

The One Show host Baker added: “We get to do so much on the show and they get to try it too. It’s that opportunity, it’s a very practical experience.

“For the younger generations it will be life changing.”

Countryfile Live is at Blenheim Palace until August 6.