Shropshire Star

Presenters announced for the return of Saturday morning live TV

The BBC announced earlier this year that it was bringing back live Saturday morning kids TV,

Jonny, Hacker and Yasmin

Two presenters will follow in the footsteps of the likes of Chris Tarrant, Cat Deeley and Noel Edmonds fronting the return of live Saturday morning children’s TV.

Saturday Mash-Up! is due to air from September on CBBC and on BBC2.

It was announced on Thursday that Radio 1Xtra’s Yasmin Evans and presenter Jonny Nelson will team up with Hacker T. Dog “to give the weekend a rude awakening” by hosting the show.

The BBC announced earlier this year that it would be bringing back live Saturday morning children’s television.

Stockport-born Evans, who landed her radio job after joining the BBC in a pilot scheme, said: “It’s an absolute honour to be a part of the show.

“Most of us can remember that, when we were younger, Saturday mornings were made for eating breakfast in front of live kids’ TV.

Cat Deeley
The presenters will be hoping to follow in the footsteps of popular stars such as Cat Deeley (Adam Davy/PA)

Nelson, from Preston, said: “I’ve been waiting 15 years for a reason to get up on a Saturday. I thought I’d probably take up jogging or something, but not end up presenting Saturday morning children’s TV.

“The fact that it’s back, it’s live and I have anything to do with it is both exciting and alarming!”

Hacker joked: “After a salary negotiation with the BBC I’m happy to say that I’m joining Saturday Mash-Up! Well, someone’s got to show Yasmin and Jonny how to do it.’

The BBC announced earlier this year that it was bringing back live Saturday morning kids’ TV, continuing in the tradition of the likes of programmes such as Going Live!, Saturday Superstore and Multi-Coloured Swap Shop.

Broadcast live from MediaCityUK, the show will feature celebrity guests, games, competitions and gunge.

Tarrant famously hosted Tiswas, while Deeley made her name on SM:TV Live and Edmonds made his mark with the likes of The Multi-Coloured Swap Shop.