Shropshire Star

Two hopefuls head to The Apprentice final after surviving brutal interview round

Three of the five remaining contestants were booted from the boardroom in Wednesday night’s semi-final.

The Apprentice (BBC/PA)

Sarah Lynn and James White will go head to head for the coveted position of Lord Alan Sugar’s newest business partner in this weekend’s final of The Apprentice.

The last remaining candidates were named on Wednesday night’s semi-final of the BBC One contest after the triple firing of Joanna Jarjue, Elizabeth McKenna and Michaela Wain.

The show saw all five hopefuls present their business plans to some of Lord Sugar’s most discerning entrepreneur friends, who did not hold back as they picked apart both their business strategies and personalities.

The tough round even led recruitment firm owner White to confess that he had been sacked from his previous position.

He told interviewer Linda Plant that he had been meeting investors on the side while working for another company, leading his employers to “want to get rid of me”.

While the 26-year-old claimed his moves added to his character, he appeared to become emotional when Plant said his history cast a “shadow” over his “trustworthiness”.

Lynn, 35, who was criticised for not having pushed her confectionery gift business further, described the interviews as “one long, drawn out car crash”.

Michaela Wain.
Michaela Wain (BBC/PA)

Wain was denied Lord Sugar’s £250,000 investment after he voiced concern that her success in a number of businesses would distract her from working with him.

“I don’t think that was fair,” she said. “It doesn’t make much sense to me because he has more businesses that me.”

Despite disagreements that mounted between many contestants earlier on in the competition, she added: “I’ve never had a single argument with anyone and I’ve got along with everyone, but by the time you get down to the final five we were all good friends – and we still are amazing friends.”

Joanna Jarjue.
Joanna Jarjue (BBC/PA)

“The process has been difficult. In some senses there was a bit of a misunderstanding about what my personality actually is.

“I definitely think I had the potential to be in the final, but in terms of being Lord Sugar’s business partner, I can completely understand why he would think he is not the right match for me right now.

Elizabeth McKenna.
Elizabeth McKenna (BBC/PA)

After a tense interview with Plant, where she was told off for being “aggressive”, she said: “People make assessments of you and all you can do is take it on the chin.”

While she said that a place in the show final had been her “dream”, she described both Lynn and White as strong and deserving candidates.

:: The Apprentice will final will air on BBC One at 9pm on Sunday.

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