Shropshire Star

Harry Potter star Bonnie Wright publishes book offering climate change advice

Her debut is released ahead of Earth Day 2022.

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Harry Potter star Bonnie Wright has written a book about climate change highlighting the small changes people can make to their daily lives.

The actress, best known for playing Ron Weasley’s younger sister Ginny Weasley in the film adaptations of the books, has released her debut book, called Go Gently: Actionable Steps To Nurture Yourself And The Planet, ahead of Earth Day on April 22.

The book addresses feelings of climate anxiety and guides the reader through small, manageable changes they can make in their everyday lives, from switching habits to living more sustainably and taking action.


Wright said: “I was inspired to write my book through my climate activism and the skills and ideas I had been cultivating to be more self-sufficient and resilient.

“My book Go Gently encourages you to further your path into the climate movement on both an individual and collective level.

“From rolling up your sleeves to make practical changes in your home, to connecting with your local community, Go Gently guides you to start small with manageable shifts that build over time to impactful, life-changing habits.”

An accompanying YouTube channel features practical demonstrations of advice given in the book.

Go Gently: Actionable Steps To Nurture Yourself And The Planet, by Bonnie Wright is out now, published by Greenfinch.

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