Shrewsbury roads to be closed for carnival
Town centre roads will be closed to allow Shrewsbury Carnival to go ahead.
Roads, including Victoria Avenue, Smithfield Road, Castle Street, Dogpole, Shoplatch, Bridge Street and Raven Meadows will be closed from 1.30pm to allow more than 30 floats to process through the town on Saturday.
There will be no access over the Welsh Bridge from Frankwell and traffic will be stopped at the sorting office in Castle Foregate.
The only traffic allowed past the closure at the English Bridge Gyratory will be for access to businesses on Wyle Cop or access to town walls.
The roads will reopen after the parade has reached the Quarry Park and road safety checks have been completed. This is expected to be around 3.45pm.
Between 1.30pm and 3.30pm, Arriva Bus services will leave from Frankwell, Abbey Foregate and New Park Road.