Shropshire Star

Up for it? Boogie Bounce arrives in Shrewsbury

It's the new way to keep fit and now exercise fanatics will be able to work up a sweat in a Shrewsbury nightspot.

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Shrewsbury Buttermarket operations director Grant Lees is ready for the new Boogie Bounce exercise classes

Boogie Bounce is taking the country by storm and classes will start in Shrewsbury at The Buttermarket, in Howards Bank.

Set to loud music and strobing lights, participants exercise whilst positioned on a small trampette. How hard can it be?

Led by instructor Sally Smith, Boogie Bounce classes will be held each Tuesday from 6.30pm to 7.30pm and 7.30pm to 8.30pm starting on March 6.

Grant Lees, operations director at The Buttermarket, said: "It is going to be great. In fact I may even be tempted to have a go myself.

"When Sally approached us about holding the classes here we knew it was something we wanted to get involved in. We held a Zumbathon here a while ago and that had a similar vibe. This is a great use of the venue and it is vital that The Buttermarket is used for the whole community.

"Boogie Bounce is the newest phenomenon to hit the region. Sally has the rights to teach Boogie Bounce in Shewsbury and it really appealed to us. I have seen it and it does look fantastic fun to be exercising on trampolines.

"Everyone will get really pumped up with the music. The sound system is quite beefy and we have got the best lights going. It is going to be really energetic."