Shropshire Star

From Gilbert and Sullivan to Ghost: Shrewsbury Musical Theatre Company celebrates 100 years

When singing teacher, Madame Rina Robinson, founded the Shrewsbury Amateur Operatic Society in 1923 with a production of Gilbert and Sullivan’s The Gondoliers, featuring some of her talented pupils, she could never have imagined that it would still be delighting audiences a century later.

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The first production - The Gondoliers

It may have been renamed Shrewsbury Musical Theatre Company but its award winning shows have included not only other Gilbert and Sullivan favourites, like Pirates of Penzance and the Mikado but also Hollywood inspired shows and West End Musicals.

The first production - The Gondoliers

Now the company is celebrating its centenary with a two month long exhibition at one of its previous homes, the town's former Music Hall, now Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery.

The exhibition was launched by the Mayor of Shrewsbury, Councillor Elisabeth Roberts on Friday .

The exhibition opening Tom Taylor, Investment Manager from the National Lottery Heritage Fund next to the Mayor of Shrewsbury, Councillor Becky Wall: June Edwards, SMTC's Honorary Life President & Karen Muxworthy, Project Manager, Team SMTC.

One of its members, said the organisation had been a cherished part of Shrewsbury's cultural heritage for the past century.