Shropshire Star

Art exhibition raising money for Scouts goes on display in Bishop's Castle, paying homage to the late artist

An art exhibition raising money for the Scouts has gone on display in Bishop's Castle, paying homage to an artist, beloved father and passionate Scout leader.

Robert Luckhurt's son, David, is exhibiting his late father's paintings

David Luckhurst, from Brockton, near Bishop's Castle, is exhibiting the paintings of his late father, Robert, at the SpArC Centre.

An art and architecture teacher for most of his working life, Robert Luckhurst spent much of his retirement painting and sold hundreds of his works of art all over the world.

After Robert died around 15 years ago, aged 92, his collection of oil and watercolour landscapes and seascapes fell into his son's possession.

David, 74, explained: "We have half a dozen at home, but we had around 50 left over. They've been well protected, but they've effectively been gathering dust in the attic for 15 years.

"My father was a passionate Scout leader, he led a group in Kent for around 35 years during the 50s and 60s.

"He was very popular with the Scouts and had a big following. He took them on all sorts of adventuring, teaching them lots of backwood things.

"He was such a passionate teacher, artist and Scout leader I thought it was very appropriate that this exhibition should raise money for the group here in Bishop's Castle."

Robert Luckhurst, pictured here at 80

As well as committing his life to educating young minds, Robert was a conscientious objector during the Second World War and volunteered with the ambulance service in London during the Blitz.

David said: "He was a man of great integrity. It was a highly dangerous job and he saw some awful things. But he always followed his beliefs.

"He had a great deal of truth and honesty about him, I'm very pleased to put his works on the wall."

The exhibition has already attracted great praise, and after just two days around a dozen of Robert's paintings had already been snapped up from the SpArC Centre.

David added: "It's a lovely place to exhibit and the paintings look really good. After being under a dust sheet for so many years, they look great on a wall and we've already had lots of positive comments.

"Because of the cost-of-living crisis, we have aimed the prices a lot lower than they would've been in the past so that people can buy an original artwork at an affordable price, or offer more if they want to support the Scout group.

Robert Luckhurt's son, David, is exhibiting his late father's paintings

"The Bishop's Castle Scouts, Beavers and Cubs Group is, like many, struggling not just for funds, but for volunteers to run the group, despite all the good work Scouts do in providing valuable skills learning, outdoor activities as well as encouraging character building for all youngsters."

All profits raised from the sale of the works will be donated to help the group develop new activities and support families with member subscriptions.

Acting Scout leader Jeff Williams said: "The monies raised by the exhibition, through the kind efforts of Mr Luckhurst, will go towards ensuring the group's financial stability whilst keeping member subscriptions to a minimum in these difficult times."

The exhibition runs throughout May at the SpArC leisure centre in Bishop’s Castle.

The Bishop's Castle Scout group operates out of Lydham Village Hall on Wednesdays, running Beavers, Cubs and Scouts.