Shropshire Star

Morris Men lead a merry dance

Morris dancers from across the region came together to put on a day-long celebration of their art form.

Liew Teh, Vernon Larcombe, John Parnell, David Baxter and Ivor Phillips from The Iron Men and Severn Gilders celebrate Morris dancing

Hosted by the Ironmen and Severn Gilders, the event in Wellington drew in the crowds as it took over Market Square in a whirl of music, colour and movement.

The hosts were joined by Alvechurch Morris, Bow Brook Morris, Foxes Morris and Plum Jerkum Morris, a total of more than 60 dancers, performing around eight times each.

Also woven into the festivities were Wellington’s Charter Day celebrations, which were snowed off in March.

Ironmen and Severn Guilders secretary John Parnell said: "There was a big crowd all day and the weather was fantastic.

"Morris dancing has different traditions in different areas of the country, and in the border area there is a tradition of the sides getting together and holding a little bit of a festival. We hadn't done it for a few years so we thought it was a good time.

"We normally dance in Ironbridge, on the bridge, but as it's being renovated at the moment we thought we would try holding it in Wellington.

"It was a huge success, it went so well we are considering holding it again."

The group meets on Monday evenings at Langley School in Dawley and is always on the lookout for new members.