Shropshire Star

The Wizard of Oz screening proves a hit in Wellington

There's no place like home, especially if you live in Wellington and wanted to watch The Wizard of Oz on the big screen.

John Abbot, Damian Breeze, Sophie Eades and Ramona Braiden

Crowds descended on the Wellington Orbit community cinema to watch the Judy Garland classic on Saturday and Sunday, and organisers said the atmosphere was amazing.

The film, thought to be the most watched piece of cinema ever, was shown at the 63-seat cinema as part of the Telford Film Festival. It also marked the 80th anniversary of the original screening.

Sophie Eades, chief officer at the Wellington Orbit, said: "The screening went brilliantly. The atmosphere was amazing."

Those that turned out enjoyed a host of surprises, including an appearance from some of the film's characters.

Staff and volunteers at the cinema dressed as their favourite characters to entertain cinema fans.

Dorothy was played by manager and projectionist Damian Breeze, with Ramona Braiden filling in as the Wicked Witch.

The Cowardly Lion was played by John Abbot, with Sophie taking on the role of The Good Witch.

Liam McLelland and Jackie Evans filled in as The Yellow Brick Road.