Shropshire Star

Gore blimey not that lot again - talentless people return to Ludlow Fringe Festival

A theatre company for "talentless people to put on bad plays for other people who have nothing better to do" is returning to Ludlow Fringe Festival for the 38th year.

Babes In the Wood was a previous cultural tweak by the The Old Dic Theatre Company. Pictured are Sally Newman-Kidd and Steve Piper

The Old Dic Theatre Company is, according to its own marketing the "longest running bad Shakespeare in Ludlow".

This year it has decided to mangle the tragedy of Macbeth by turning it into a 30-minute show called “Gore Blimey Regurgitated”.

Spokesman Steve Piper said: "Yes we’re here again, season 38, and really don’t know when to call it a day for everyone’s peace of mind."

In their world, Macbeth is always an Australian and the character is back, Fosters lager in hand, to slice his way through friend and foe alike.

Mr Piper added: "The cast will back from rehab, therapy and pilates classes to whisk you off once again to somewhere you’d probably rather not be."

This year shows will be at The Chang Thai Garden on July 7, 8, and 9. Admission is free for the 8pm shows but a collection will be held for the Old Dic Benevolent Fund.

Fringe festival ticket details are at

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