Shropshire Star

Come rain or shine, we're ready for the show season

As the summer season starts, although you wouldn't think it for all the rain, it only means one thing – it's show time, writes Rachel Williams .

Exhibitors wait for the judges at last year’s Minsterley Show

This year Minsterley Show sees a new chairman at the helm in the form of Barry Conde.

As many people say, once met, never forgotten.

Barry promises that it's going to be a fun-filled year.

A huge thank you has to go to Charlie Sandells who has been chairman for the last two years.

Charlie, however, won't be escaping yet as you will be able to hear him chatting away on show day – it's August 17 – doing the commentary.

The committee is busy looking at plans for the showground layout, with the added excitement, or should I say stress, of a few changes this year.

Trade stands are already getting booked up quickly, which is great to see, and we have a new change in contact.

A massive thank you has to go to Michael Tudor who has looked after the trade stands for many years.


This year he has passed on the mantle to Roger Parry – for more details please ring (01743) 791336.

We are also flat out getting the schedule ready to send out detailing all the brilliant competitions that will be happening on show day, from horse riding to dairy cattle to Victoria sponge classes – there's something for everyone, including children.

I am pleased to announce that the main ring attraction has been booked in the form of The Stampede Stunt Company, a fantastic mixture of trick horse riding which is definitely not to be missed.

There will of course still be the ever-popular children's races on show day as I know for a lot of families this is the highlight of the day, with sweeties for all that take part.

More details of main ring attractions to be announced, so watch this space.

It is going to be an extremely busy year as we are also expecting our first baby on show day.

However, I promise this won't be part of the main ring attractions!

* Rachel Williams is Publicity Officer of Minsterley Show

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