Shropshire Star

Little Wenlock

Distance: Three miles. This walk takes us around an attractive part of Shropshire between the Wrekin and the Severn Gorge. Start at Little Wenlock village hall, then walk down the hill past the bus shelter and village pump to a road junction at the bottom.


Distance: Three miles.

1. This walk takes us around an attractive part of Shropshire between the Wrekin and the Severn Gorge. Start at Little Wenlock village hall, then walk down the hill past the bus shelter and village pump to a road junction at the bottom.

2. Turn right here and continue along a winding lane to the next junction, then turn left along the lane leading to Coalbrookdale.

Continue until you reach a footpath sign pointing up a farm track on the right, then follow this as far as the entrance to Moors Farm.

3. Cross over into the field on the right and follow the left-hand boundary to the corner, then turn right to follow the next boundary up the hill towards two radio masts at the top.

Then cross the stile and follow the left-hand field boundary to a Shropshire Way sign pointing downhill.

4. The next section is not so obvious. Go straight down the hill to the edge of the trees and turn right with the wood on your right.

This eventually leads to a grassy track which ends at an unsurfaced lane by a gate and stile.

5. Turn right up the hill and continue ahead as the surface changes to Tarmac — taking in the all-round views dominated by the Wrekin directly ahead — as far as a Severn Trent information board on the left.

6. Just after this, pass through a gate on the right and follow the surfaced path to another gate on the left. Pass through this and walk up the field and through more gates and out onto the road.

7. Turn left here, bear right at a junction and walk up to the church.

8. Follow the Shropshire Way down Witchwell Lane on the left, and continue through a gate and stile on to a short, grassy track. Continue ahead through three fields to emerge onto Spout Lane.

9. Turn right to a junction with the road leading to the Wrekin. Turn right here, and continue ahead, past The Huntsman Inn, and back to the start.

* Shropshire and Mid Wales are perfect for getting out and enjoying a countryside walk, but over time there may be changes to access on some routes. If you follow one of our walks and find a problem, please let us know so that we can amend the details online. Simply e-mail us at with the details.

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