Let's have a little less moaning
I sat in the surgery in Market Drayton last week and heard nothing but grumbles about our health centre and the doctors, so now I have decided to put pen to paper.
I sat in the surgery in Market Drayton last week and heard nothing but grumbles about our health centre and the doctors, so now I have decided to put pen to paper.
The new health centre is spacious and comfortable. It may be in the wrong place and a long way for some people to reach, but when I hear people saying harsh things about the team of doctors, I felt I must put a patient's views over.
I have been in and out of the clinic for six months on a very regular basis and I can't speak highly enough about the wonderful care and consideration I have been given.
I won't name names. My doctor will know who I am. Time spent with him is always constructive and sympathetic, my worries and symptoms are all taken into account and any tests carried out with the same dedication. Hospital tests have come thick and fast, also carried out promptly and with kindness.
I have seen several doctors over the years and for the most part they have been just as caring, so please be grateful we have this facility.
They deserve less moaning and more credit for trying to keep us healthy.
Mrs O. Passant, Market Drayton