Threat to restaurant pet shed
The manager of a Bridgnorth restaurant fears she may have to remove a pet shed from her car park - despite it being regularly visited by schoolchildren.

Joanne Hawthorne, of Leno's Restaurant, Bridge Street, received a letter from district council officers on Thursday stating she must either apply for planning permission or remove the wooden structure within 21 days.
The shed contains five pigeons, three chickens and two rabbits. Miss Hawthorne says children visit it daily on their way home from school, often taking food along to feed them.
She said the letter states she may have to take the building down because it does not have planning permission and people have complained about it.
"I am devastated," she said. "Children visit the shed on their way home from school. They have named the rabbits and bring their own food. It is not doing any harm to anyone.
"I don't know what I am going to tell the children. Somebody has complained, I don't know who."
The shed has been in the car park since last May and Miss Hawthorne says she has never been aware of any problems.
She added: "The children love it, one little girl even brings her mum."
A Bridgnorth District Council spokesman said: "As a result of complaints by the public, the owners have been requested by the council to apply for planning permission for the shed."
Miss Hawthorne is also applying for permission for a two-storey extension to the restaurant and some holiday accommodation.
By Dani Webb