Shropshire Star

County's mammoth on move

Museum workers in Shropshire have been handed the bone-shaking task of relocating the replica bones of the county's famous mammoth.


Moving the legs are Jackie Tweddle, left, of Ludlow Museum Resource Centre and Jo Bickerton, discovery centre managerMuseum workers in Shropshire have been handed the bone-shaking task of relocating the replica bones of the county's famous mammoth.

The Shropshire Mammoth was found in the late 1980s at Condover Quarry, near Shrewsbury.

While its bones have been kept in the museum Resource Centre in Ludlow for safekeeping, casts have been on display at the Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre.

The venue is closing until spring for a refit, so workers have been carefully moving the skeleton to a new, temporary home at Ludlow Library.

The mammoth was discovered at the clean water lagoon, at Condover Quarry, which has been developed into a valuable wildlife habitat, particularly for wild fowl.

Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre manager Jo Bickerton said she was excited by the prospect of a refurbishment at the discovery centre.

It was hoped the new look venue would attract even more visitors when it reopened in spring.

The Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre was opened as Shropshire's Millennium project, but was initially dubbed a flop because too few visitors arrived.

However, under Ms Bickerton's management, it has gone on to become one of the most successful tourist attractions in Shropshire.

Visitors flock to see art exhibitions and crafts and to use a cafe that stocks local produce. They also use the centre as a community venue .