Fair ways to punish drivers
While I agree with the proposal to ban people from smoking while driving, I feel that it does not go far enough.
While I agree with the proposal to ban people from smoking while driving, I feel that it does not go far enough.
When I venture out (an old bloke in an old car), everyone seems to drive straight at me at high speed, and do not see me as they are being distracted.
I propose the following fixed penalties when driving:
Having an attack of the hiccups, formal warning
Putting hand to mouth when coughing, £40
Sneezing more than once, £40
Rubbing bleary eyes £40
Scratching ear or nose, £40
Blowing nose, £50
Waving to a friend, £50
Laughing at a passenger joke, £50
Trying to swat a fly, £50
Trying to swat a wasp, £60
Looking at road signs, £60
Trying to tie shoelace - being forced to go without shoes for one week
Making a rude gesture - be forced to lend your car for a week to someone you don't like
Ogling ladies - instant disqualification.
This last should clear the roads of most male drivers under 90-years of age.
Barry Jasper, Ludlow