Shropshire Star

Driver took bodybuilding drugs

A 19-year old man who drove after taking the drug GHB has been banned from driving for two years and ordered to do unpaid work in the community.   A 19-year old man who drove after taking the drug GHB has been banned from driving for two years and ordered to do unpaid work in the community. The court heard that Stephen Wayne Edwards, of Cabin Lane, Oswestry, had originally taken the substance for bodybuilding. Edwards yesterday admitted driving while unfit through drugs when he appeared before Oswestry magistrates. Read the full story in today's Shropshire Star.


A 19-year old man who drove after taking the drug GHB has been banned from driving for two years and ordered to do unpaid work in the community.

The court heard that Stephen Wayne Edwards, of Cabin Lane, Oswestry, had originally taken the substance for bodybuilding.

Edwards yesterday admitted driving while unfit through drugs when he appeared before Oswestry magistrates.

He was given an 18-month community order with 12 months supervision and was ordered to carry out 60 hours work in the community.

He was also ordered to pay £100 costs and was banned from driving for two years.

Mr Paul Davies, prosecuting, said police watched Edwards in Willow Street on October 27 last year. He appeared agitated and was acting strangely around the car.

Officers were called away but Edwards was later seen driving around a circuit of the town centre before stopping in Willow Street, were he was arrested by police.

He was examined by a police doctor and was found to have an excessively high heart beat of 180. Blood samples showed he had the chemicals in his body that came from the drug, GHB.

Mr Alun Williams, for Edwards, said his client took the substance for bodybuilding.

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