ParkRight opposition smacks of hypocrisy
LETTER - I see that Councillor Nutting's anti-ParkRight bandwagon in Shrewsbury (Shropshire Star, September 13) has been active again.
LETTER - I see that Councillor Nutting's anti-ParkRight bandwagon in Shrewsbury (Shropshire Star, September 13) has been active again.
From the start of the service he has lost no opportunity to criticise SABC employees in public, even though his own Conservative colleagues have put their names to expressions of concern that ParkRight's achievements were being undermined.
It seems pretty hypocritical that six of the councillors now seeking to end the borough's administration of the contract and thus bring about chaos were the same councillors who wished to "promote the positive message regarding improvements in traffic manage ment and accessibility achieved as a result of the service" (Cabinet minutes, March 10, 2008).
One of them earlier published a report praising ParkRight staff for operating efficiently and effectively and dramatically improving traffic flow in the town centre.
I don't think ParkRight's procedures are perfect.
But what has been done about them by Councillor David Roberts, whose website entry gives him responsibility for the new system he now wishes to abandon?
He is helped apparently by Councillor Bebb, whose concern may be judged by his managing to attend one out of the four meetings held in Shrewsbury of the Joint Policy Advisory Group charged with directing and fine-tuning operations since the scheme was implemented.
Making parking regulation work properly is altogether harder than cheap criticism.
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