Quango is a luxury in hard times
LETTER: Thank you, Sarah Raper, for your reply. It is obvious you are going to trumpet Transforming Telford be-cause you are the chief executive and your job may be at stake together with the other interests of 14 board members.
LETTER: Thank you, Sarah Raper, for your reply. It is obvious you are going to trumpet Transforming Telford be-cause you are the chief executive and your job may be at stake together with the other interests of 14 board members.
Your vision of Telford is not everyone's and, as for your statement about creating a greater sense of place and prosperity from which the town as a whole will benefit, I have to ask which town – Wellington, Oakengates, Dawley, Newport?
These are towns and I see no benefit for them, only another nail in their coffins.
Transforming Telford takes two per cent of our council tax – plus, I suspect, match funding from English Partnerships and Advantage West Midlands, two other unelected quangos.
I wrote last March that you had £922,880 from the council plus what you had from the others. You claimed to have found 200 jobs. I reckon based on that each job cost about £10,000. Not value for money in my humble opinion.
In this time of recession, Transforming Telford is a luxury we cannot afford.
D L Barnett