Shropshire Star

St George was not English

LETTER - Many children and adults still believe that St George is English.

Flag of St George

- From a very early age many of us have been told fairytales and stories, many of them quite innocent and without any serious connotations.

Except for one story that is a blatant lie. Many children and adults still believe that St George is English.

St George was born in Epiphania in Cilicia, which is now part of modern day Turkey. How St George the Cappedocian became patron saint of England should have been challenged years ago.

Georgia has St George as its patron saint and it is more credible that he should belong there because Georgia was part of Cappedocia as was Turkey and part of modern day Iraq.

For us English to have a patron saint it is only logical that the patron saint of England should be English.

Mark Norwood, Oswestry

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