Shropshire Star

Day centre could face closure

A weekly day centre for elderly people in Llanfyllin may have to close if more people do not use the facilities. A weekly day centre for elderly people in Llanfyllin may have to close if more people do not use the facilities. Numbers going along to the public institute in the town each Tuesday have dropped to just half a dozen. Now the volunteers who run the centre say they cannot keep it open unless they can encourage more people to go along. Read the full story in today's Shropshire Star


A weekly day centre for elderly people in Llanfyllin may have to close if more people do not use the facilities.

Numbers going along to the public institute in the town each Tuesday have dropped to just half a dozen.

Now the volunteers who run the centre say they cannot keep it open unless they can encourage more people to go along.

The Tuesday day centre began in 1992, run then by the Patient Participation Group at the Llanfyllin GP surgery.

More recently a group of friends have run the day centre on a voluntary and independent basis with the help of small grants from Llanfyllin Town Council and other bodies.

Lynne Hough, one of the volunteers, said although only a small number of people now used the centre they really appreciated the facility.

"They enjoy a hot meal each Tuesday and getting involved in games or crafts. It is a day when those who are lonely can get out and meet other people.

"It can also give carers a chance to have a break," she said.

Mrs Hough said unfortunately the day centre did not have access to transport and so people had to rely on lifts or make their own way to the institute for the day, which runs from 10.15am until 3pm.

"If we can attract some more people then the centre will be self sustaining, but we think that if numbers don't improve then we may have to think about closing in the next couple of months or so."