Shropshire Star

Stop knocking county town

Letter: Please stop knocking our lovely town, and talk it up not down. Have you not heard of the recession? Businesses in our town need support during the coming months and, maybe, years. Talk up the county town of Shropshire.


shrewsbury-square1Letter: Re: Councillor Jon Tandy's letter (December 15), regarding learning from past building problems. He yet again has a dig at our wonderful sports village. Why is beyond me. It has held many international sporting events since I, as mayor at the time, had the pleasure of opening it.

I use the sports village at least twice or three times a week and find it very active. Yes there were teething problems when the venue first opened, but you can get this when you buy a house.

Regarding the Quantum Leap sculpture, I agree there have been problems, but considering this is the first and only such sculpture in the whole country there were bound to be problems. But it has people talking about it, which is good.

I know Jon you need to get your name in the paper before the forthcoming General Election, but please stop knocking our lovely town, and talk it up not down.

Have you not heard of the recession? Businesses in our town need support, Jon, during the coming months and may be years. Get off your soap box, and do your duty as a councillor for both the town and county, and talk up the county town of Shropshire.

I have travelled the country from Plymouth to Glasgow in my position as president of NABMA (National Association of British Markets Authorities), and still find that our town takes some beating.

Councillor David Farmer


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