Shropshire Star

Views are sought on future plans for area

Residents of Shrewsbury will be given the chance to have their say about the scale and location of development in their areas over the next 15 years.Residents of Shrewsbury will be given the chance to have their say about the scale and location of development in their areas over the next 15 years. Shropshire Council is inviting comments on a draft stage of a new planning document called the Site Allocations and Management of Development (SAMDev) until June 25 at three consultation events. People will be able to find out more, and have their say, at the Gateway Centre on April 29, between 4pm and 7.30pm. They will be followed by an event at The Guildhall, between 4.30pm and 8pm on May 19 and between 4pm and 7.30pm at the Community Hall, Minsterley, on May 27. Read the full story in the Shropshire Star.


Residents of Shrewsbury will be given the chance to have their say about the scale and location of development in their areas over the next 15 years.

Shropshire Council is inviting comments on a draft stage of a new planning document called the Site Allocations and Management of Development (SAMDev) until June 25 at three consultation events.

People will be able to find out more, and have their say, at the Gateway Centre on April 29, between 4pm and 7.30pm.

They will be followed by an event at The Guildhall, between 4.30pm and 8pm on May 19 and between 4pm and 7.30pm at the Community Hall, Minsterley, on May 27.

Shropshire Council said the drop-in events will give people the chance to speak to planning officers, find out more and make comments.

Jake Berriman, head of strategy and policy with Shropshire Council, said: "This consultation offers people a great opportunity to see what development is planned for their area over the next 15 years and to tell us what they think.

"I urge everyone to look at the plans for their area and to let us have their views and comments.

"By breaking the documents down by area, we hope this will make it much easier for local people to find out more about proposed development in their part of the county, making the process more meaningful and accessible to them," he added.

The site allocations document is the second major planning policy document of the Shropshire Local Development Framework, following the Core Strategy.

When adopted, the site allocations document will allocate sites for various types of development and set out further detailed policies to guide future development in Shropshire up to 2026.

The 12-week consultation began on April 2.

For further information on the consultation, including the full list of community drop-in sessions, call 0345 6789004 or visit

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