Letter: Levies are funding new posts
Are we so spineless as a population that in these enlightened times, we participate in this toxic environment that we refer to as democracy?
Are we so spineless as a population that in these enlightened times, we participate in this toxic environment that we refer to as democracy?
Every few years we elect a national government based on what it promises, or on what the previous government did or didn't do.
Since the late 70s we have lived in a neo-liberalistic; market-forces led state.
Who, other than us subservient donkeys, would pay tax after tax to the government and then pay to park to spend money and pay even more tax.
I do not have issue with my taxes going toward keeping others clothed and fed, by employing them to perform tasks that are a little superfluous.
I do however object to these people commanding salaries in excess of the median national wage.
The latest little gem is asking, nay, demanding that we sort our rubbish.
Why does my council tax increase when I am doing someone's job? Could it be that with the money saved another little post has been invented. Ha.
Andy Chetwood