Shropshire Star

Decision due on Shropshire hounds site

The fate of a controversial scheme submitted by hunt bosses to house up to 86 hounds at a farm in north Shropshire will be decided by Shropshire Council planning bosses next week.


The fate of a controversial scheme submitted by hunt bosses to house up to 86 hounds at a farm in north Shropshire will be decided by Shropshire Council planning bosses next week.

Members of the North Shropshire Hunt have found a permanent site to house their hounds at Hine Heath Farm, Stanton upon Hine Heath, and are now seeking planning approval.

The application was deferred by members of the unitary council's North Planning Committee last month who requested more information about the scheme.

Members of Stanton upon Hine Heath Parish Council and local residents have hit out at the plans, raising fears over access, smell and drainage.

Twenty-six letters of representation have been received from 17 different addresses relating to the application. Thirteen of the addresses have objected to the scheme and four are in support of it.

The four letters of support say that the hunt manages its operations well.

The application will now be decided by the North Planning Committee in Edinburgh House, Wem, at 2pm on Tuesday.