Waitrose set to open on Shrewsbury's Pride Hill

Upmarket retailer Waitrose will open its first Shrewsbury store at two empty town centre sites in a move which will create 40 jobs, bosses said today. Upmarket retailer Waitrose will open its first Shrewsbury store at two empty town centre sites in a move which will create 40 jobs, bosses said today. The former Burger King in Pride Hill and the old Post Office site in St Mary's Street, which have both been empty for several years, will be converted into a new store. Shrewsbury Town Centre Residents' Association has campaigned for a supermarket in the town centre for a number of years.


Upmarket retailer Waitrose will open its first Shrewsbury store at two empty town centre sites in a move which will create 40 jobs, bosses said today.

The former Burger King in Pride Hill and the old Post Office site in St Mary's Street, which have both been empty for several years, will be converted into a new store.

Shrewsbury Town Centre Residents' Association has campaigned for a supermarket in the town centre for a number of years.

The supermarket chain has submitted an application for a new premises licence at the store to include the sale of alcohol and the playing of recorded music between 7am and 11pm Monday to Sunday.

A spokesman for Waitrose said: "I can confirm that Waitrose is proposing to open its first store in Shrewsbury in the currently vacant Post Office and Burger King units.

"While the proposal is still subject to alcohol licensing and planning permission, it is expected to create up to 40 jobs and open in late spring 2011."

Sheila Sagar, co-chairman of the STCRA, gave the news a cautious welcome.

She said: "It will add to the whole package of Shrewsbury and the mix of shops we have.

"But we already have a very dynamic market and I would hate to think it would affect that."

Simon Airey, president of Shrewsbury Business Chamber, today said: "I am delighted that a quality brand like Waitrose wants to locate to Shrewsbury, although I am not surprised.

"I would hope that they are open in the evenings because we have got an ever rising town centre population and very few places for them to buy groceries at night."

All jobs will be advertised online at www.waitrose jobs.com when available.