Letter: The trees, those useful trees
Letter: The Government is deeply concerned about carbon dioxide emissions. Trees are the best known carbon dioxide removers.
Letter: The Government is deeply concerned about carbon dioxide emissions. Trees are the best known carbon dioxide removers.
So why is the Government so preoccupied with spending millions of pounds on reducing energy use and carbon emissions by devising systems to recycle packaging and rubbish, when it is about to sell off the greatest and the most efficient carbon dioxide removers known to man - our forests?
Trees will be just a profit maker, an asset to many private owners and could be felled in great numbers.
If the Government is serious about reducing carbon dioxide emissions, it should retain, protect and plant more forests.
A chief government scientist has also warned that Britain and the world could face major food shortages.
Why have we felled so many fruit-bearing trees and bushes and grubbed up so many of our wonderful English orchards?
Government, councils and farmers should try to make England as productive and fertile as possible. Trees can be a very efficient food producers. Councils could plant them on grass verges, roundabouts, in parks etc.
There should be a major drive to fill England with fruit trees to give us food in years to come and take carbon dioxide out of our atmosphere. Planting fruit trees, hazel and soft fruit bushes will also help to increase bee and bird populations.
Councils and private garden owners, please get planting fruit trees and bushes and also oppose Government plans to sell our forests.
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