Letter: Tesco is ignoring the wishes of Whitchurch
Letter: As most people are probably now aware, Tesco has decided to ignore the wishes of the great majority of Whitchurch town and put their "Tesco Town" application in last week which now has an application number of 11/01501/EIA.
Letter: As most people are probably now aware, Tesco has decided to ignore the wishes of the great majority of Whitchurch town and put their "Tesco Town" application in last week which now has an application number of 11/01501/EIA.
I had the "pleasure" of meeting Simon Hoare and his merry men a couple of weeks ago and asked him if he would be publishing the results of the questions on Tesco's questionnaire.
The document is now available to view on the Shropshire planning website and what a sorry story it tells.
A mere 173 people were bothered to support the Edgeley Park proposal. And by the way, Simon, 173 out of 397 results is 43.5 per cent not 47 per cent as your pie chart shows. Is this a cynical attempt to try and look like your poll was evenly split?
You are also quoted in the Shropshire Star a couple of weeks ago saying the split was 60/40 in favour of building on Edgeley Park. Can this man be trusted?
So along with the WH21 petition of 3,000 signatures and a local survey we all know that we do not want a Tesco Town. I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that we all have two "votes" with which to express our objections.
Firstly, we all need to put pen to paper and hand on keyboard and send off our objections to Shropshire Council. A petition is one thing but individual objections are what's needed now. Secondly we also have another way of voting and that's with our feet.
Judging by how much busier the Asda and Ocado vans now are delivering to Whitchurch, clearly others also hold this view.
Simon Lyon