Letter: Does the NHS need to be reorganised?
Letter: Parliament is considering a bill to reorganise our National Health Service.
Letter: Parliament is considering a bill to reorganise our National Health Service.
Proposals in the bill mean our NHS will be altered beyond recognition as private providers will want to make a profit. That can only be at the expense of patients and the many people who work in our health service.
Does anyone really believe our railways, our water, our gas and electricity services are better following privatisation? To take the NHS further down the privatisation road presents a threat to everyone – no-one knows when they might fall sick or have an accident and need the NHS. We will lose the services and, just as importantly, our peace of mind.
The last time a Conservative government reorganised our NHS, many people were left waiting years to see a specialist or to have an operation. The NHS was on its knees when a Labour government was elected on a pledge to cut waiting lists and provide better funding for health services. pledges which were met.
At the last election David Cameron promised that there would be no threat to the NHS from a Conservative government, and, real terms improvement funding – both empty pledges.
Parliament will vote on proposals which did not appear in the manifesto of any party and were not in the coalition agreement.
Beryl Mason