Donnington emergency services training - in pictures
[gallery] Crushed cars, bodies strewn across the road and victims screaming for help – this was the daunting task facing emergency services at a multiple car crash in Telford last night. Crushed cars, bodies strewn across the road and victims screaming for help – this was the daunting task facing emergency services at a multiple car crash in Telford last night. Fortunately the pile-up at MOD Donnington was just a training exercise, although a frighteningly realistic one. The staged road smash involved six cars and nine 'victims' played by St John's Ambulance volunteers. About 50 Shropshire fire, police and ambulance staff dealt with the scenario, designed to test their skills under pressure.

Crushed cars, bodies strewn across the road and victims screaming for help – this was the daunting task facing emergency services at a multiple car crash in Telford last night.
Fortunately the pile-up at MOD Donnington was just a training exercise, although a frighteningly realistic one.
The staged road smash involved six cars and nine 'victims' played by St John's Ambulance volunteers.
About 50 Shropshire fire, police and ambulance staff dealt with the scenario, designed to test their skills under pressure.
Five fire engines and four ambulances arrived at the scene of the staged catastrophe to cope with the dead, injured, and trapped.
More than 30 firefighters worked alongside West Midlands Ambulance crews and officers from Telford police.
Firefighters removed windscreens and car roofs as paramedics stabilised the injured and control rooms and incident commanders were monitored as they dealt with the unfolding crisis.
Deputy Chief Fire Officer John Redmond said the exercise had been invaluable training in working together for the three emergency services.