Call for yellow lines to tackle illegal Bridgnorth parking
Double yellow lines could be added to a junction in Bridgnorth to stop motorists flouting the law.
Double yellow lines could be added to a junction in Bridgnorth to stop motorists flouting the law.
Bridgnorth Town Council has agreed to hold a meeting with highways officials in a bid to stop drivers parking illegally near Cliff Road in Northgate where daytime parking is not allowed. Resident Michael Pead said the infringements led to problems with traffic flow in both directions through Northgate.
He said it also blocked drivers' views when pulling out of Cliff Road.
He has requested the town council scrap the existing traffic regulation order opposite The Bear pub, for no parking between 8am and 6pm, and place double yellow lines banning all parking, including loading and unloading, at any time.
A report to the town council's property and ground committee, states a small yellow notice attached to the nearest lamp post was not apparent to the driver.
It states: "Because of apparent limited knowledge of these rules, traffic wardens do not prosecute.
"If buses are making use of the lay-by until early evening and consequently if vehicles are parked outside the cottages it leaves only one traffic lane left to be shared by traffic in both directions. In the evening, when the buses have ceased, their lay-by is instantly colonised for parking.
"When traffic wardens finish for the day the spaces are taken up by all and sundry to park indiscriminately, not only on the single yel- low lines but also in the double lines, next to Moat Street and Cliff Road. Police have neither the time nor manpower to deal with this matter.
"If there is a stream of traffic leaving the High Street coming through Northgate, opposing traffic is held by parked vehicles and the queue can stretch back to interfere with the flow of traffic at the roundabout."
Bridgnorth Town Council clerk, Anne Wilson, said: "We are inviting someone from Shropshire Council highways to talk at the meeting in March.
The item has been raised by a resident following ongoing concerns about traffic through Northgate.
"Members noted that disabled access parking is permitted on the single and double yellow lines in front of the house at Northgate and residents can park after 6pm on the single yellow line. It was felt this was not safe for road users."