Shropshire Star

Victim moves home after burglary terror

A woman who woke to hear a burglar climbing her stairs was so traumatised that she had to move house, Shrewsbury Crown Court has heard.


A woman who woke to hear a burglar climbing her stairs was so traumatised that she had to move house, Shrewsbury Crown Court has heard.

William John Simpson fled with televisions and a purse when the phone rang in the house in Chapel Street, Dawley, Telford. Today Simpson, 47, of Brunel Road, Dawley, was jailed for 12 months for the raid.

He claimed he did not enter the house but Judge Peter Barrie said whether he did or whether he was simply helping an accomplice, he had to take responsibility.

He was convicted of the offence in a trial at the magistrates court in March.

Today Mr Andrew Barkley, prosecuting, said the householder's partner had just left home on the morning of January 7 when she heard noises downstairs.

She realised it could not be her partner on the stairs and, terrified, she shouted loudly for her mother, who lived close by.

The steps retreated when the burglar realised someone was in the house, Mr Barkley said.

When police arrived they saw two men in a nearby alley. One ran off and has never been traced. The other, who had the television in his possession, was Simpson.

The burglary had a significant effect on the victim, who had to move house.

Mrs Claire Coley, for Simpson, said her client maintained he did not go into the house.

She said he had, had a long-term drug addiction but said he had been free of drugs since an operation on his leg last year.

Because of this he was rebuilding relationships with his autistic son and his family, Mrs Coley said.

"He has managed to turn much of his life around," she said.

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