Shropshire Star

Letter: England is a police state

After reading about the pensioner who was glad he cut fence that split Market Drayton (Shropshire Star, April 4) I just about fell off my chair.


After reading about the pensioner who was glad he cut fence that split Market Drayton, I just about fell off my chair.

I don't understand why the police stopped at just giving him a criminal record – why not throw him in jail and lock him up for years for doing something the council should have done a long time ago?

Good on you, it's about time people stood up for what they believe in.

But look out, with the new privacy invasion laws the Government is going to force through, to not only read all your e-mails, texts, tweets etc, but keep records for years, you are now all on the Government watch list.

Better check your regular mail to see if it's been steamed open.

You are being watched, remember you now live in a police state. I thought I was in England not some republic that is a total police state.

I'm sorry to say that the people of England are now in a total police state, what time does the night curfew start?

Colin and Caroline Abbott



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