Shropshire Star

50 jobs in new Telford store

Fifty jobs will be created when homeware chain Dunelm opens a new store in Telford, it was revealed today.


Fifty jobs will be created when homeware chain Dunelm opens a new store in Telford, it was revealed today.

Dunelm currently has a small branch in Wellington which employs 17 people. But it is moving to Telford Forge Retail Park.

Rachael Miller, marketing manager for Dunelm, said: "I can confirm that we will be relocating our Wellington store into a premises on Telford Forge Retail Park which we are hoping to open this year.

"The new 28,500sq feet premises has been designed to accommodate Dunelm Mill's extensive range."

Dunelm is expecting an influx of applications, and has warned it will stop taking applications as soon as it has received enough.

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