Shropshire Star

Inquest rules former Shropshire mayor took own life

A former Shropshire mayor took his own life by locking himself in the boot of his car and setting fire to the vehicle, an inquest has ruled.


A former Shropshire mayor took his own life by locking himself in the boot of his car and setting fire to the vehicle, an inquest has ruled.

Paul Stokes, of Roselyn, Harlescott, Shrewsbury, was found in his car on December 28 last year. An inquest on the 54-year-old, who served as Mayor of Wem in 1989/90 was held yesterday.

The inquest in Shrewsbury was told Mr Stokes, a former North Shropshire District councillor, climbed into the boot of the vehicle, which contained an 'almost empty petrol can', at Battlefield Heritage Park car park before striking a match.

Coroner John Ellery heard how in the confined boot space the fire smouldered and released carbon monoxide gas. The inquest recorded a verdict of suicide.

Mr Ellery said the cause of death was 'exposure to combustion and the produ-cts of combustion'. Mr Sto-kes was rushed to the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital but he died the following day.

During the inquest Constable Paul Bosley said when he arrived at the scene the vehicle was 'well engulfed in smoke' adding he found half a bottle of whisky, diazepam and a hand written suicide note on the front seat.

Fire investigation officer Guy Williams said: "I can't think of any reason why someone would do this unless to cause self-harm."

Giving evidence, Mr Stokes's wife Marie said on the day of the fire she and her husband went for walk and discussed an unproven allegation made against him. Mrs Stokes said her husband had told her 'I need you to hate me' before admitting the allegation. They later parted company.

Mr Ellery concluded Mr Stokes intended to end his life and there was no third party involvement. He said it was 'quite clear' he was devastated by these allegations. He said: "His note was a note from someone intending to kill himself."

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