Star comment: No respect for offensive George Galloway

It is utterly astonishing that George Galloway should have intervened in the complicated case of Julian Assange.


The controversial leftie, without knowing the full facts, has offered a headline-grabbing assessment of the sexual assault claims, including rape, made against Assange by two women.

Assange faces a court in Sweden, but Galloway has suggested the charges amount to nothing more than 'bad sexual etiquette'.

The best response to Galloway's latest outburst would have been to simply ignore him, like an unloved uncle at Christmas. After all, let's not forget, Galloway famously visited Iraq to meet Saddam Hussein and told him: "Sir, I salute your courage, your strength, your indefatigability."

The left-leaning London press has been quick to promote Galloway's unfortunate and grossly insensitive remarks. They portray Galloway as a maverick free spirit, as though he were some sort of eccentric national treasure. He is nothing of the sort.

The support group Rape Crisis, probably speaks for most of us by condemning Galloway's latest outburst and branding his remarks 'offensive' and 'deeply concerning'. Rape is no laughing matter, nor is it a term that should be politicised, certainly not by a man who has been suspended from the House of Commons.

His indecent haste and appalling insensitivity in commenting on Assange's alleged misdemeanours beggars belief. He has spoken out in a serious case without being in full possession of the facts, he has effectively offered his support to a man who is making a monkey out of Britain, Sweden, Ecuador and the USA, and he will have angered many women whose lives have been incontrovertibly changed by being victims of rape and other sexual crimes.

The case of Julian Assange is one of the most peculiar that Britain has known for many years, and Galloway's unwelcome and self-serving intervention assists nobody. He is simply stealing the headlines for his own political gain; his comments are deeply offensive and ill-considered.

Galloway is, of course, the Respect Party MP for Bradford West: Respect is one thing he doesn't deserve.