Bus goes gold in honour of Telford medal heroes

The wraps have been taken off a special golden bus which has been painted to honour Telford's Paralympic heroes.


It was one thing to get a golden post box but Mickey Bushell and Danielle Brown are going one better with their own golden bus.

Telford & Wrekin Council has recognised the achievements of wheelchair racer Mickey and archer Danielle by painting one of its fleet of community buses gold.

Mickey, 22, from Arleston, won gold in the T53 100m in a new Paralympic record and Danielle, originally from Yorkshire but who now lives in Telford, took gold in the individual compound archery.

Mickey Bushell with his gold medal

The single decker bus will be launched at 9am on Tuesday close to the Bushell family home in Arleston Lane, Wellington.

It has been painted by Paintmaster on Stafford Park and will remain gold in honour of the pair's achievements.

Mickey's dad Pete said: "I have not heard much about the bus but I believe they are launching it from outside our house.

"It is just an amazing honour. I have spoken to Mickey about the bus and he is over the moon. He is well chuffed.

"It's been a long fortnight and been a good experience and Mickey has got the heroes parade today. "The Paralympics has been overwhelming.

There were mixed emotions of pride, joy and happiness. It is hard to put it into words."

The family hopes Mickey will be home late tonight but there will be little time to rest as he is competing in the Tunnel 2K in Gateshead on Friday.

Pete said: "It is the fastest road race. I believe the top 20 guys in the world will be competing.

"Mickey is quite light and hits speeds of 30mph to 40mph going into the tunnel, but the heavier guys reach 50 or 60mph. It is not for the faint-hearted."

Mickey will also compete in the Great North Half Marathon on Sunday.

Mickey already has a post box painted gold in his honour in the borough. The post box is in Arleston Lane, at the junction with Windsor Road, in Telford, near his home.